Attendance & Timekeeping

Attendance and timekeeping are a major focus for the school. It is an area that has strict guidelines and is monitored on an on-going basis, both by the school and the local authority.

Please ensure that the children arrive on time for the start of the school day and are collected promptly at 3.15 pm unless they are attending an after-school club.

School Day


Children come in for ‘soft start’


Registration and Lessons begin

10.00 – 10.20am


10.20 – 10.40am


12.40pm – 1.40pm



Lessons begin


End of the school day


After-school clubs end

Attendance at school is compulsory and the government has set an expected level of attendance for each child of 95% and above. At Deansbrook we are very proud that our attendance levels are well above the national average. Attendance may not always be possible due to ill health but we would like you to actively encourage your child to attend school if they are well enough.

Attendance is strictly monitored and we have procedures in place to tackle persistent poor attendance and lateness. If your child is unable to attend school then can you please make sure you email or call the main office by 9.00am. If this does not happen then we will call you as part of our attendance procedures.

The school is in regular contact with the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO), who monitors attendance and supports families who do not meet the legal requirements of attendance set by the government.

Attendance Policy